how to make a polygon from vertices selection >3?

I have such code

arrVert = (vert_sel=(polyOp.getVertSelection $.baseobject) as array) -- array of vertices
polyOp.createPolygon $ arrVert

And created face only from 3 vertices, and I would like to make a polygon from vertices selection >3.


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Nik's picture

I found a script (on this site) that does it

fn MakePoly = (
	constVerts = (polyop.getVertSelection $) as array
	sortedVerts = #()
	append sortedVerts constVerts[1]
	stillGood = true
	Tcount = 0
	while stillGood do
		thisVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count]
		try (lastVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count - 1])
		catch (lastVert = -1)
		theseEdges = (polyop.getEdgesUsingVert $ thisvert) as array
		theseEdgesVerts = for i in theseEdges collect ((polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ i)as array)
		theRightEdge = #()
		for i in theseEdgesVerts do (if (finditem constVerts i[1] != 0 and i[1] != lastVert) and (finditem constVerts i[2] != 0 and i[2] != lastVert) then theRightEdge = i)
		if theRightEdge == #() then exit
		if theRightEdge != #() then ( if theRightEdge[1] != thisVert then (theRightVert = theRightEdge[1]) else (theRightVert = theRightEdge[2]) )
		if theRightVert == undefined then exit
		if theRightVert == sortedVerts[1] then stillGood = false else append sortedVerts theRightVert
		Tcount += 1
		if Tcount > 10 then stillGood = false
	Tcount = 0
	if sortedVerts.count != constVerts then
		sortedVerts = for i in sortedVerts.count to 1 by -1 collect sortedVerts[i]
		while stillGood do
			thisVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count]
			try (lastVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count - 1])
			catch (lastVert = -1)
			theseEdges = (polyop.getEdgesUsingVert $ thisvert) as array
			theseEdgesVerts = for i in theseEdges collect ((polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ i)as array)
			theRightEdge = #()
			for i in theseEdgesVerts do (if (finditem constVerts i[1] != 0 and i[1] != lastVert) and (finditem constVerts i[2] != 0 and i[2] != lastVert) then theRightEdge = i)
			if theRightEdge == #() then exit
			if theRightEdge != #() then ( if theRightEdge[1] != thisVert then (theRightVert = theRightEdge[1]) else (theRightVert = theRightEdge[2]) )
			if theRightVert == undefined then exit
			if theRightVert == sortedVerts[1] then stillGood = false else append sortedVerts theRightVert
			Tcount += 1
			if Tcount > 10 then stillGood = false
	Tcount = 0
	while sortedVerts.count != constVerts.count do
		stillMissing = #()
		stillMissing = (constVerts as bitarray - sortedVerts as bitarray) as array
		print stillMissing
		shortestDistance = length ((polyop.getVert $ sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count])-(polyop.getVert $ stillMissing[1]))
		closestVert = stillMissing[1]
		for i in stillMissing do if (length ((polyop.getVert $ sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count]) - (polyop.getVert $ i))) < shortestDistance then closestVert = i
		append sortedVerts closestVert
		while stillGood do
			thisVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count]
			try (lastVert = sortedVerts[sortedVerts.count - 1])
			catch (lastVert = -1)
			theseEdges = (polyop.getEdgesUsingVert $ thisvert) as array
			theseEdgesVerts = for i in theseEdges collect ((polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ i)as array)
			theRightEdge = #()
			for i in theseEdgesVerts do (if (finditem constVerts i[1] != 0 and i[1] != lastVert) and (finditem constVerts i[2] != 0 and i[2] != lastVert) then theRightEdge = i)
			if theRightEdge == #() then exit
			if theRightEdge != #() then ( if theRightEdge[1] != thisVert then (theRightVert = theRightEdge[1]) else (theRightVert = theRightEdge[2]) )
			if theRightVert == undefined then exit
			if theRightVert == sortedVerts[1] then stillGood = false else append sortedVerts theRightVert
			Tcount += 1
			if Tcount > 10 then stillGood = false
		if Tcount > 30 then exit	
	print "END"
	print sortedVerts
	if (polyop.createpolygon $ sortedVerts) == undefined then 
	polyop.createpolygon $ (for i in sortedVerts.count to 1 by -1 collect sortedVerts[i])
	update $
miauu's picture


Why you don't want to use Cap Poly? This is the easies method.

polyOp.createPolygon $ #(177, 145, 146, 178)

creates polygon on oject. See the attached image.
Don't use bitarray to store the selected verts. In bitarray the verts are sorted from the lower to higher vert index.
To use polyOp.createPolygon to create face from 4 verts, you have to store the selected verts in an array, where the verts are sorted in proper order. See the image - did you see the verts indexes and how I sort the verts in the array that is passed to polyOp.createPolygon. The verts order is essential when you wants to create 4 sided polygon.

Nik's picture

Okay, I agree with you. It is

Okay, I agree with you. It is better to use the cap. Thank you

Nik's picture

I know about cap

But polyOp.createPolygon $ #{ , , , } dont create polygon on oject (works with only isolate vertex)

31.07.gif 81.69 KB
miauu's picture


Creating polygon from four verts see the attached image.

nik.png 288.01 KB
Felice's picture

How to create vertices

How do you create vertices without the mesh?

Nik's picture

If class of object ==

If class of object == editable_mesh or editable_poly then \
Enable sub-object vertex ➜ go to righr-panel settings ➜ Create ➜ pick to viewport for create vertices

miauu's picture

You have to have a mesh.

You have to have a mesh. Create a plane, convert it to mesh, delete all verts and you will have an empty mesh and can start adding verts where you want.

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