I have a building , i tried to select vertical edge but i can not , can you help me ? Thank you very much


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johnim's picture

and How to select horizontal

and How to select horizontal edges?

alexnguyen's picture


actionMan.executeAction 0 "40044" -- Selection: Select Invert

miauu's picture


What is "vertical" edge?

You can try this:
1- get the edges one by one
2- get the verts of this edge
3- check if the Z position of one verts is higher than the Z position of the other vert. If the X and Y position of both verts are the same then this is "vertical" edge.

alexnguyen's picture


but how can i do in maxscript ? can you give me the function ?

miauu's picture


Select only one Editable Poly object.

	if selection.count == 1 and classOf selection[1] == Editable_Poly do
		threshold = 1.0
		curO = selection[1]		
		curOEdgesBA = #{1..(polyop.getNumedges curO)}
		vertEdgesBA = #{}
		for eIdx in curOEdgesBA do
			edgeVertsArr = polyop.getEdgeVerts curO eIdx
			v01pos = polyop.getVert curO edgeVertsArr[1]
			v02pos = polyop.getVert curO edgeVertsArr[2]
			if v01pos.z != v02pos.z do
				if abs (v01pos.x - v02pos.x) <= threshold and abs (v01pos.y - v02pos.y) <= threshold do
					vertEdgesBA += #{eIdx}
		if vertEdgesBA.numberset != 0 then
			subobjectlevel = 2
			polyop.setEdgeSelection curO vertEdgesBA
			messagebox "No vertical edges" title:""
alexnguyen's picture

thank u very much

when i wait you , i do one for my self :)

mangcanh =#()
subObjectLevel = 2
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021" -- Selection: Select All
idcanh = sPoly.getSelection #Edge as array
k = idcanh.count
for i = 1 to k do
polyop.setEdgeSelection sPoly i
sPoly.convertSelection #Edge #Vertex
aVerts = sPoly.getSelection #Vertex as array
diema = aVerts[1]
diemb = aVerts[2]
toadoa = polyOp.getVert sPoly diema
toadob = polyOp.getVert sPoly diemb
if ( toadoa.x == toadob.x and toadoa.y == toadob.y ) then append mangcanh i
sort mangcanh
mangcanhmoi = mangcanh as bitarray
sPoly.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Edge mangcanhmoi

but i think your code is better , thank u alot

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