Image Artifacts with Bitmap and ImgTag UI controls. Why?

Hello guys,

I'm writing the help for a script I'm doing and I need to display a screen capture of the script's UI on the help rololut.

The problem is the image is not displaying accurately. It has some little artifacts.

Please see the image below:

The 3 images are from the same source file.

The 2 images on the left are: - top: Bitmap UI control - bottom: ImgTag UI control

Both have little artifacts.

The image on the right is displayed on a Virtual Frame Buffer and it is correct.

The problem seems to be related to image compression or something like that I guess...

Does anybody have a clue about why are the images not displaying well?

Thanks in advanced!

capture.png205.04 KB


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rode3d's picture

I did not use DotNet before...

Can you please tell me how to implement it?

Here's the code I used:

global testRollout
global testFilename = "test.jpg"
global testBmp = openBitMap(getfilenamepath (getThisScriptFilename())+testFilename)
rollout testRollout "Test UI Image Display"
	label lb1 "BITMAP" align:#left offset:[0,6]
	bitmap bmp1 fileName:testFilename width:179 height:270 align:#left offset:[-2,0]
	label lb2 "IMGTAG" align:#left offset:[0,16]
	imgTag bmp2 "" bitmap:testBmp style:#bmp_center width:179 height:270 align:#left offset:[0,0]
try (destroyDialog testRollout) catch()	
createDialog testRollout 450 640
display testBmp caption:"test"

I attach the image "test.jpg".

test.jpg 23.29 KB
fajar's picture

are you already try use net

are you already try use net pictureBox ?
please upload img sample that you use

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