importing using for loops

hey there,

i'm a complete beginner with maxscript, and am struggling to do something that i'm sure should be very simple, though the help files aren't really helping me out.

all i hope to do is have a simple for loop that allows me to import a series of .wrl files, render each one, and output the rendered images as .jpg files. At the moment i'm using the following script as a test with 2 files:

for i = 1 to 2 do
importFile ""Untitled.wrl"+i+".wrl"" #noPrompt
render outputFile: ""rendered"+i+".jpg""

and i get an error about syntax :(

Any help would be much appreciated.


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benno's picture

Thanks br0t! Your comments

Thanks br0t! Your comments have really helped me get started :)

br0t's picture

Well you have some syntax

Well you have some syntax problems :D
The paths are not specified, some " and a .wrl too much.
Try this:

for i = 1 to 2 do
importFile ("$scenes/Untitled"+(i as String)+".wrl") #noPrompt
render outputFile: ("$scenes/Untitled"+(i as String)+".jpg") vfb:false

Your Untitled1.wrl and Untitled2.wrl will be imported, rendered and saved as Untitled1.jpg etc.
Note that they have to be in the right folder, here: "C:\Users\Username\Documents\3dsmax\scenes".
The "vfb:false" will prevent 3dsmax from opening a rendered frame window after each render, so you don't have like hundreds of windows opened after importing many files.

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