Instance a Material to slot?

If the checkbox for display in material editor is checked True how do I make it an instance of the Material placed in the Material Override for Vray?

-- renderers.current.adaptiveSubdivision_maxRate = 10
rollout rlAORender "AO Render"
	local VDirt = undefined
	groupbox gpbxVrayDirt "VRay Dirt Parameters" width:150 height:100 pos:[5,2]
		label lbVDRadius "Radius:" pos:[12,20]
	spinner spnVDRadius "" fieldwidth:45 range:[0,9999999,10] type:#worldunits pos:[92,20]
		label lbVDDistribution "Distribution:" pos:[12,40]
	spinner spnVDDistribution "" fieldwidth:45 range:[0,9999999,1.5] type:#float pos:[92,40]
		label lbVDFallOff "FallOff:" pos:[12,60]
	spinner spnVDFallOff "" fieldwidth:45 range:[0,9999999,1] type:#float pos:[92,60]
			label lbVDSubdivisions "Subdivisions:" pos:[12,80]
	spinner spnVDSubdivisions "" fieldwidth:45 range:[1,1000,24] type:#float pos:[92,80]
	groupbox gpbxSelType "" width:150 height:30 pos:[5,95]
	radiobuttons rbtnType labels:#("Override Mtl", "Shader") columns:2 default:1 pos:[9,106]
	groupbox gpbxDisplay "" width:150 height:30 pos:[5,118]
	checkbox ckbxDisplay "Display in Material Editor" pos:[10,129] checked:false enabled:true
	button btnApply "Apply" width:150 height:24 pos:[5,154]
	fn AOShaderCreation =
		VDirt = StandardMaterial() = "AO-VRayDirt"
		VDirt.Selfillumination = 100
		VDirt.diffuseMap = VRayDirt radius:(spnVDRadius.value) distribution:(spnVDDistribution.value) falloff:(spnVDFallOff.value) subdivs:(spnVDSubdivisions.value)
		if ckbxDisplay.checked == true do meditmaterials[1] = VDirt
	on rbtnType changed state do
		case rbtnType.state of 
			1: -- Material Override
					ckbxDisplay.enabled = true
			2: -- Shader Option
					ckbxDisplay.checked = true
					ckbxDisplay.enabled = false
	on btnApply pressed do
		case rbtnType.state of 
					Print "Override Mtl"
					VR = renderers.current = VRay()
					VR.options_overrideMtl_on = true
					VR.options_overrideMtl_mtl = VDirt
			2: -- Shader Option
					Print "Shader"
createDialog rlAORender 160 184


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Garp's picture

You're welcome. Shorter version:

try meditMaterials[1]=renderers.current.options_overrideMtl_mtl catch()

JokerMartini's picture


Hey Garp thanks for the help!

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Garp's picture

Something like this?

    local rend = renderers.current
    if subString (classOf rend as string) 1 5 == "V_Ray" AND
    rend.options_overrideMtl_on AND
    (local mtl = rend.options_overrideMtl_mtl) != undefined do
        meditMaterials[1] = mtl
JokerMartini's picture


How do I instance a material from the Material Override slot in the render settings dialog to the material editor slot 1?

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

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