I'm working on scripted batch to make multiple ajustement to my scenes, and i got a problem with xref scene node. Is there a way to identify that a node is in an xref scene or not ?
To simplify, imagine we have a root scene (totaly empty) with a layer "myLayer" and and xref scene loaded that contain "MyBox" on a layer "myLayer"...
In the root scene , when i got nodes on the layer :
_myLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName "myLayer"
_myLayer.nodes &myNodes
I got #(MyBox) and not an empty array...
How to know that this node is from an xref scene ?? i got same classof, same properties, same superclass, isvalidnode return true ...
An idea ?
Thanks for your help
Some of my scripts and MCGs :: 3ds Max SDK Intro for Scripters