JPEG interfaces

Good day.

I want to store some my work as JPG files....

render camera:$RenderCamera01 vfb: false outputSize: [400,300] \ outputfile:outstring
How I can adjust "JPEG interfaces" for Test.jpg file?
Where I must pust "JPEG interfaces" for Test.jpg file, before or after "RENDER" command?


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Anubis's picture

try this

outstring = "Test.jpg"
JPEG.ijpegio.setQuality 60
newBmp = bitmap 400 300 filename:outstring
save newBmp; close newBmp
render camera:$RenderCamera01 vfb:false \
outputSize:[400,300] outputfile:outstring

But the correct s'd be:

outstring = "Test.jpg"
JPEG.ijpegio.setQuality 60
newBmp = bitmap 400 300 filename:outstring
render camera:$RenderCamera01 vfb:false to:newBmp
save newBmp; close newBmp

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