keyboard button to rollout button

Hi, I have a rollout with a few button which i want to link to any keyboard key for easy access. even shift or alt key will do. I am not sure how to link the rollout button with key.

on keyboard.shiftPressed() do


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jahman's picture


If you want to keep it simple then use a timer and check for any key combination on tick event

	isKeyDown = (dotNetClass "managedservices.keyboard").isKeyDown
	keys = dotNetClass ""
	show keys
	while not keyboard.escPressed do
		sleep 0.05
		if isKeyDown keys.Space and isKeyDown keys.ControlKey do 
			format "Ctrl + Spacebar is pressed\n" 

Using macros for such task is an overkill, imho.

zahid hasan's picture

It is freezing max. I used it

It is freezing max. I used it both in and out of Rollout body.
Am i doing it wrong?

jahman's picture


of course it freezes max, it's just an example of the idea ;)

Use a timer control in your rollout and do these key-combination checks inside its tick event.

another example:

try(DestroyDialog ::test)catch()
rollout test "Detect Key Press" width:214
	timer clock "testClock" interval:100 -- 10 times a second
	local isKeyDown = (dotNetClass "managedservices.keyboard").isKeyDown
	local keys = dotNetClass ""
	CheckButton ctrl "Ctrl" width:40 pos:[4,4] across:4
	CheckButton shift "Shift" width:40 pos:[46,4]
	CheckButton alt "Alt" width:40 pos:[88,4]
	CheckButton space "Spacebar" width:80 pos:[130,4]
	fn CheckKeys = 
		-- for alt, ctrl, shift & esc we can use these		
		if alt.checked != keyboard.altPressed do alt.checked = keyboard.altPressed
		if ctrl.checked != keyboard.controlPressed do ctrl.checked = keyboard.controlPressed
		if shift.checked != keyboard.shiftPressed do shift.checked = keyboard.shiftPressed
		-- for any other keys
		local space_down = isKeyDown keys.Space
		if space.checked != space_down do space.checked = space_down
	on clock tick do
		format "tick...\n"
createDialog test
zahid hasan's picture

Thank You. Will try it

Thank You. Will try it tonight. :-)

zahid hasan's picture

It is working perfectly.

It is working perfectly. Thanks a lot.

zahid hasan's picture

Thank you. I shall try to

Thank you.
I shall try to implement it, and let you know.
Its very basic dotnet, still i shall need a bit time to understand it properly and tweak.
Really appreciate your quick replies.

miauu's picture


Create a macorscripts to press the keys on your toolbar.
For example:

macroscript myMacro_btnnext
buttonText:"TEXT NEEDED"
	on execute do
		if then
			--	"run something else"
macroscript myMacro_btnPrev
buttonText:"TEXT NEEDED"
	on execute do
		if then
			--	"run something else"
zahid hasan's picture

Its a wonderful solution.

Its a wonderful solution. Thank you Miauu.
All i have to do is assign hotkeys to that macro.

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