Listbox issue

i have a problem with listbox let's say i have 2 items in listbox #("Box1","Box2"). Now I want to update the first item in listbox using Listbox.Items[1]="Box3"
the code looks nothing wrong. but the listbox does't show the first one item as a "Box3", did a missing someting with that code.


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barigazy's picture


Try this.

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "• • •"
	listbox lb "" pos:[5,5] width:50 height:5 items:#("Box001", "Box002")
	button btn "Add Item" pos:[5,75] width:50
	on btn pressed do
		lb.items = (lb.items[1] = "Box003" ; lb.items)
createDialog bgaRoll 60 100 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


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