Listbox list with just unique object

Hi, I made a little script in where I want to list "proxy" objects.
There is uniques objects and other that are instanced.
I would like to list all the differents objects but not to see all instances.

XXX.items = for a in Objects where ( matchPattern pattern:("*"+ NNNAME.text + "*") and ( classof a == proxy )) collect

if someone can help.


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titane357's picture

Thanks a lot Miauu !!! Do you

Thanks a lot Miauu !!!
Do you know I can manage this to work ? ( no ?) yes.
Works like a charm ! :-)

miauu's picture


I am glad to help. :)

miauu's picture


I am sure that you can incorporate the next fn in your script. :)

	fn uniqueNodes nodes: = 
		if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = objects as array
		local handles = #{}
		for node in nodes where not handles[GetHandleByAnim node] collect
			InstanceMgr.GetInstances node &inst
			for i in inst do handles[GetHandleByAnim i] = on
	select (uniqueNodes())

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