Little help accessing Edit_Poly/Poly_Select data


I would appreciate it if anyone can give me a hint on how I can access and modify the soft selection of an Edit_Poly/Poly_Select modifier in 3ds Max 2011.

Assuming SoftSelection is enabled and locked, I need to manually set the selection weight for each vertex.

Looking forward to any suggestions.


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kimarotta's picture

in help maxscript...

in help maxscript... MAXScript Language Reference > 3ds Max Objects > Modifier : MAXWrapper and SpacewarpModifier : MAXWrapper > Modifier and SpacewarpModifier Types > Modifiers > Mesh Editing >
Edit_Poly : Modifier


.useSoftSel BooleanClass default: false-- boolean; Use_Soft_Selection
Get/Set the state of the "Use Soft Selection" checkbox in the Soft Selection rollout.

.ssUseEdgeDist BooleanClass default: false-- boolean; Use_Edge_Distance
Get/Set the state of the Edge Distance checkbox in the Soft Selection rollout

.ssEdgeDist Integer default:1 -- integer; Edge_Distance
Get/Set the Edge Distance in the Soft Selection rollout

.affectBackfacing BooleanClass default: true-- boolean; Affect_Backfacing
Get/Set the Affect Backfacing checkbox state in the Soft Selection rollout.

.falloff Float default: 20.0 -- animatable; world units
Get/Set the Falloff value in the Soft Selection rollout.

.pinch Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Get/Set the Pinch value in the Soft Selection rollout.

.bubble Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float
Get/Set the Bubble value in the Soft Selection rollout.

.lockSoftSel BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Lock_Soft_Selection
Get/Set the state of the Lock Soft Selection checkbox in the Soft Selection rollout. When enabled, the soft selection will not be recalculated automatically and can be defined using the Paint Soft Selection tools.

.paintSelValue Float default: 1.0 -- float; Selection_Value
Get/Set the Selection Value in the Paint Soft Selection group of controls in the Soft Selection rollout. Controls the selection value that will be applied to the vertices by the paint brush.

.paintSelSize Float default: 10.0 -- world units; Brush_Size
Get/Set the size of the paint selection brush.

.paintSelStrength Float default: 1.0 -- float; Brush_Strength
Get/Set the strength of the paint selection brush.
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