Lookat constraint > Upnode control ?

Is there a command for Lookat conctraint > Upnode control choice of radio buttons???


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Budi G's picture

Lookat constraint > Upnode

Lookat constraint > Upnode control :

$.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 0 -- for LookAt
-- or
$.rotation.controller.upnode_ctrl = 1 -- for Axis Alignment

choose between 0 or 1


3dline's picture


Thank you very much, that save lots of my time but I couldn't find that on maxscript Help... what is your reference to all commands?


Budi G's picture

I always see the Maxscript

I always see the Maxscript Listener ...

another reference is the Maxscript help doc, googling or searching some code in scriptspot

I did this first, before asking to someone

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