m.connect #manual causing error in 2020
Hello everybody,
When i try to connect to BB manager using
"(m.connect #manual "flux-server" port:3234 platform:#64)"
My max2020 is showing a bunch of redfont error, c++ callback, virtual address etc.
The same code was working few days ago. And Max 2016 connecting perfectly still.
Its occurring in multiple pc. All scripts are same btw. What could go wrong? Do I need to install some hotfix or patch for maxscript?
Please friends, help me out. Thanks
This was due to "throw" command which is changed after max 2016. Probably :-)
Error message
The errors are like this
-- ########################################################################
-- MAXScript callstack:
-- thread data: threadID:18304
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 0]
-- In anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 140; line: 5
-- Locals:
-- managerIPorName: "flux-server"
-- m:
-- Externals:
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 1]
-- called from top-level
-- ########################################################################
-- C++ callstack:
-- (maxnetLibrary): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (maxnetLibrary): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (IMaxNet): (filename not available): NURBSTrimPoint::NURBSTrimPoint
-- (IMaxNet): (filename not available): NURBSTrimPoint::NURBSTrimPoint
-- (IMaxNet): (filename not available): NURBSTextureChannel::GetTextureSurface
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Primitive::apply
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): CodeTree::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): Generic::collect
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): SourceFileWrapper::eval
-- (MAXScrpt): (filename not available): IsMAXScriptListenerInViewport
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsWindowInDestroy
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (UIControls): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
-- (USER32): (filename not available): CallWindowProcW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): DispatchMessageW
-- (USER32): (filename not available): IsDialogMessageW
-- (3dsmax): (filename not available): NodeAndAnims::SetNode
-- ########################################################################