Material to mxs

So I'm thinking about working on a script that will take the actively selected material in the material editor and convert it to maxscript.

The returned maxscript will then recreate that shader when exectued.

I however want to make it so the script itself will bypass anything images or texture maps. So it is only really controlling values and properties.

Does anyone know if anything out there is already created to do this? Otherwise I'm not going to mess around with it.


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JokerMartini's picture


Thanks Anubis I'll check it out

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Anubis's picture

Check BFF script

Check BFF (Bobo's File Format) by Borislav Petrov (2006):

BFF Update by Raul Ortega Palacios (2007):

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

JokerMartini's picture

A start

Here is the start.
Why does this bug out? It actually works for the first bit of it if you comment out some of the properties

mat = meditMaterials[1]
type = classof meditMaterials[1]
format "%%\n" type " \\"
for p in getPropNames mat do
	format "%:% " (substring (p as string) 1 -1) (getProperty mat p)

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

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