

Has anyone ever figured out how to use the ExplorerControl from MaxCustomControls?
It's the treeview being used in the sceneexplorer and I'd like to use just that part in my own script.



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henning's picture

Oh it seems like it. I'm

Oh it seems like it. I'm wondering why it is then listed in the maxscript help.
From my very limited knowledge of .net it seems I have to somehow derive from the "ExplorerFramework.Traversal" class and write code that collects the nodes I want to list and store them as connected "TraversalNode"s and I suppose this can only be done with c# or something.
I can see it's too complicated and will resort to simpler things. I was just exploring.

barigazy's picture


This is a custom .net control that use custom assembly specialy created for SceneExplorer. With this can use only limited number of methods and events. Probably it's better to create your own tool with .net treview or treelist.


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