maxscript exportFile always use the current settings if we use #noPrompt

Greetings ,
i was making a plugin that uses he obj exporter from 3dsmax 2009 , the problem that i want to always export normals and always not flipping y/z axis ,is there a way in the script (ms file) to set theses parameters to the exporter,well i dicovered that we can use the class ObjExp in the script but it seems that it has no parameters to set or i just cant deal with it,

any hint will be great, and plz make it quick ^.^

thanks :)


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kproudfoot's picture

Use the FBX export settings file(s)

Yes, not a 'quick' answer.. but for the benefit of others I figured I would add some info: you can use the FBX export settings file to hold export settings for you. As such, you can use different settings /preferences files and point to the right one depending on what type of export you are currently doing.

Hope this helps!

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