mcg on remote location
Hi fellow scripters,
Im in trouble with installing mcg to remote location. Im using this
setINISetting ((GetDir #maxData)+@"3dsmax.ini") @"MCG Compound Directories" @"mcg_compounds" @"R:\tools\max\mcg\Compounds"
setINISetting ((GetDir #maxData)+@"3dsmax.ini") @"MCG Tools Directories" @"mcg_tools" @"R:\tools\max\mcg\Tools"
setINISetting ((GetDir #maxData)+@"3dsmax.ini") @"MCG Packages Directories" @"mcg_packages" @"R:\tools\max\mcg\Packages"
to tell max where can it find the mcgs but it doestn work for packages, tools and combounds seems to work.
Any advice?
guys...someone must know :(
guys...someone must know :(
really no one knows?
really no one knows?