Merge specified file


Does anyone know how to merge a specified file to you current
maxscene via maxscript? Pref. triggered by a button.



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crazyosachou's picture

that is the function to

that is the function to save/load/merge files:

--Save :
saveMaxFiles "c:/temp/test.max" --specified link

--u can also save only specified objects in other file :
saveNodes $specified_object "c:/temp/file_name"

--when u want to get the local floder of u'r max file
--just tape :
saveNodes $specified_object (getDir #scene + "/file_name")

--load :
loadMaxFile "c:/temp/file_name.max"

mergeMaxFile "c:/temp/file_name.max"

--Node: care to not harm an existent file cause max don't
--ask u that there's another file with same name

--Hope it'll help u.

learn more,learn as fast as u can, coz u can be not able to learn more tommorow!!

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