mergeMaxFile nodes to array

What is the best and easiest way to put the incoming merged objects into an array?
Without having to do the select properties of the mergeMaxFile?

delete objects
fxFile = @"C:\Users\Crabs User\Documents\3dsMax\scenes\test.max"
--//Merge New Particles system
mObjNames = getmaxfileobjectnames fxFile -- get the object names from the file
great = mergemaxfile fxFile mObjNames #AutoRenameDups #renameMtlDups --#select -- merge in the objects and select them
print great


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barigazy's picture

This is my approach

--First collect the scene objects inode.handle
curObjsArr = for o in objects collect o.inode.handle
--Then merge some objects
--And eventually filter and collect merged objls
mergeObjArr = for o in objects where (finditem curObjsArr (o.inode.handle) == 0) collect o


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