Move Object along vector

Taking the script I have below. How can I move the small green helper to be 10 units off of the light blue helper? But in the direction of the vector created from the Blue - Lightblue helpers?

	delete objects
	/* Create Corner Points */
	startPt = point pos:([random -10 10,random -10 10,random 0 10]) wirecolor:blue size:4
	endPt = point pos:([random -30 30,random -30 30,random 0 30]) wirecolor:[0,255,255] size:4
 	nvec = (normalize startPt.pos)	
 	d = (distance endPt.pos startPt.pos)
 	point pos:(nvec*(d)) size:2 wirecolor:green


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miauu's picture


	delete objects
	/* Create Corner Points */
	startPt = point pos:([random -10 10,random -10 10,random 0 10]) wirecolor:blue size:4
	endPt = point pos:([random -30 30,random -30 30,random 0 30]) wirecolor:[0,255,255] size:4
	dir = normalize (startPt.pos - endPt.pos)
 	point pos:(endPt.pos + (dir * 10)) size:2 wirecolor:green

Optimize the script if you want. :)

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