multiple script objects problem
I made a little script to "straighten" a spline to have its overall slope.
It works but I want to apply the script to selected splines ( loop ) and then it don't work anymore... Anybody can help ? :-)
BS = selection[1] BSW = BS.wirecolor SP = copy BS select SP "Modifier Stack" "Convert_to_Spline" verts = numKnots SP NP=SplineShape pos:[0,0,0] addNewSpline NP PO = getKnotPoint SP 1 1 addKnot NP 1 #corner #line [0,0,PO.z] NEWD = 0 for i=1 to (verts-1) do ( PA = getKnotPoint SP 1 i PB = getKnotPoint SP 1 (i +1) PAF = [PA.x,PA.y,0] PBF = [PB.x,PB.y,0] DISTx= (( distance PAF PBF )) NEWD = DISTx + NEWD --print ( DISTx as string) addKnot NP 1 #corner #line [NEWD,0,PB.z] ) updateShape NP NP NP.wirecolor = BSW = + "_red" delete SP
Your code will work for the first spline in a shape. If you have a shape with 2 or more splines only the first one will be processed.
Do you want to create a script which works like this one:
Here is your code, modified to process shapes with multiple splines.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Hi Miauu ! Thanks for answer
Hi, thanks very much ! It works like a charm :-)
Is there a way to make another for separate spline objects with :
for sp in selection do ( ) ? So I can have separate wirecolor ?
Thanks a lot !
This will get all splines of a shape and will create separate objects from each spline:
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax