need help with noise controller (i add it to all objects in one click but parameters wont work)


I copied the noise controller from max script listener and added the lines from maxscript help file, but the script wont modify the noise controller's values, what am i doing wrong???

macroScript Macro3
$.rotation.controller = Noise_rotation ()
.seed Integer default: 0
.frequency Float default: 0.005
.fractal Boolean default: true
.roughness Float default: 0.0
.rampin Time default: 0f
.rampout Time default: 0f

Thanks in advance


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kimarotta's picture

Update this...

The correct is...

macroScript Macro3
fn configNoise obj =
obj.rotation.controller = Noise_rotation ()
o = obj.rotation.controller
o.seed = 0
o.frequency = 0.005
o.fractal = true
o.roughness = 0.0
o.rampin = 0f
o.rampout = 0f
for obj in selection do ( configNoise obj )
3d Artist  

piotradamczyk's picture

Thanks a lot. It saved me

Thanks a lot. It saved me lots of time.

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