Need Help... XYZ coordinates
I´m working in an installation, and I made a simple animation in 3ds max of an sphere moving around in max, using a spline as the trayectory path. What I need is to know exactly the XYZ coordinates that the sphere take during the animation.
I made a o to 100 animation and I need the XYZ coordenates to uses it outside the 3ds max.
I´m new in scripting, so I´m not sure how write the script down.
I use this script:
for t = 0 to 100 do at time t format “frame#: % pos: %\n” t $.pos
I get this syntax error:
-- Syntax error: at bad, expected
-- In line: for t = 0 to 100 do at time t format “frame#: % pos: %\n” t $.pos
Anyone can help me fixing the script or doing a new one..
Thanks a lot
You are using “, instead
You are using “, instead you should use "...
The line should be:
for t = 0 to 100 do at time t format "frame#: % pos: %\n" t $.pos
They look the same in here, but if you copy and paste you will see they are actually different characters.
Perfect... works great....
Perfect... works great.... thanks a lot.
Yeah, they were differents. I couldn´t tell.
Thanks again