newbie, simple path constraint script having problems with

I am trying to learn a bit of maxscript so i thought i would just do a simple path constraint script with a rollout!!
i am having problems getting the "go" button to add the "track" into the path contraint any help or advice would be great.

rollout Thomas "Thomas Train" width:162 height:169
pickbutton btn "--pick front train--" pos:[19,63] width:130 height:25
pickbutton btn9 "--pick track--" pos:[19,16] width:131 height:26
button btn3 "Go" pos:[22,109] width:128 height:29

--variables, the axis is 0-X axis, and thepath = the slinethe train will go on
--pick the train
on btn picked obj do
btn.text =
Thomas = obj
--if obj != undefined do
--Thomas.wirecolor = red

--pick the track
on btn9 picked obj2 do
btn9.text =
thepath = obj2
--if obj2 != undefined do
--plastictrack.wirecolor = red


on btn3 pressed do

--select train named Thomas and apply a path contraint to the position controller
Thomas.pos.controller = Path_Constraint ()
Thomas.pos.controller.follow = on
Thomas.pos.controller.axis = 0
theConstraint = path_constraint()
--need to apply -btn9- the spline to the path constraint
Thomas.position.controller = theConstraint
theConstraint.path = thepath


createdialog Thomas


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barigazy's picture

like this

try(destroydialog ::Tomas)catch()
rollout Thomas "Thomas Train" width:162 height:169
	local theTrain, thePath
	fn filtShape spl = isKindOf spl SplineShape or isKindOf spl Line
	pickbutton pb_path "--pick track--" pos:[5,5] width:120 height:20 filter:filtShape	
	pickbutton pb_train "--pick front train--" pos:[5,30] width:120 height:20
	button btn_go "GO" pos:[5,55] width:120 height:20
	on pb_train picked obj do
		if isValidNode obj do (pb_train.text = ; theTrain = obj)
	on pb_path picked obj2 do 
		if isValidNode obj2 do (pb_path.text = ; thePath = obj2)
	on btn_go pressed do
		if isValidNode theTrain and isValidNode thePath then
			theTrain.pos.controller = Path_Constraint follow:on axis:0 path:thePath
		else messagebox "Check pickbuttons first!"
createdialog Thomas 130 80 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


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