Nitrous ToggleMode (Get Active Viewport Settings)

Is there anyone here who has any idea why "Facets" fail in my script?
-- Runtime Error: Unrecognized code: #Facets

global Nitrous_ToggleMode = NitrousGraphicsManager.GetActiveViewportSetting() 
try(destroyDialog rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode)catch() 
rollout rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode "NitrousMode" 
   dropdownlist ddl_NTMode items:#("Realistic", "Shaded", "Facets", "ConsistentColors", "Wireframe", "BoundingBox", "Ink", "ColorInk", "Acrylic", "Tech", "Graphite", "ColorPencil", "Pastel")  height:15 
   fn updateList = 
         ddl_NTMode.selection = findItem (for i in ddl_NTMode.items collect i as name 
      ) -- End Fn 
   on ddl_NTMode selected itm do 
         Nitrous_ToggleMode.VisualStyleMode =  ddl_NTMode.selected as name 
      ) -- End On 
) -- End Rollout 
   createDialog rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode 115 30

i also tried to do an radiobutton version that works:

try(destroyDialog rol_NRB)catch() 
global Nitrous_ToggleMode = NitrousGraphicsManager.GetActiveViewportSetting() 
rollout rol_NRB "VP Modes" 
   radiobuttons rb_NitrousMode labels:#("Realistic","Shaded","Facets","ConsistentColors") default:1 enabled:true 
   on rb_NitrousMode changed state do 
         case state of 
               1: Nitrous_ToggleMode.VisualStyleMode = 0
               2: Nitrous_ToggleMode.VisualStyleMode = 1 
               3: Nitrous_ToggleMode.VisualStyleMode = 2 
               4: Nitrous_ToggleMode.VisualStyleMode = 3 
) -- End Rollout 
createDialog rol_NRB 115 65 150 150

Thanks in advance.


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tassel's picture


This works:

try(destroyDialog rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode)catch()
rollout rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode "NitrousMode"
      dropDownList ddlStyles items:#(#Realistic, #Shaded, #Facets, #ConsistentColors, #HiddenLine, #Wireframe, #BoundingBox, #Ink, #ColorInk, #Acrylic, #Tech, #Graphite, #ColorPencil, #Pastel) height:15
	   on ddlStyles selected item do 
         (nitrousGraphicsManager.getActiveViewportSetting()).visualStyleMode = item - 1 
	createDialog rol_Nitrous_ToggleMode 115 30 150 150

/ Raymond

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