Normal map Baking

I have been trying to write something which will bake the Normal map from a high_poly model to a Low_poly model....but the problem is nothing is getting rendered. Although all the parameters are applied as i can see in the max file....the projection modifier, cage settings, Highpoly picked....also I can see that it is rendering the normal map.....only thing is it is coming blank!! Can anyone find the problem please??

		global thehighSS = "select the highpoly mesh"
		global thelowSS = "select the low poly mesh"
		global thePathSS = "C:\\"
		rollout nm "Normal_Map" width:194 height:424
			pickbutton btn_high "High_Poly" pos:[60,24] width:68 height:20
			label lbl_high "select the highpoly mesh" pos:[26,50] width:135 height:17
			pickbutton btn_low "Low_Poly" pos:[59,76] width:72 height:21
			label lbl_low "select the low poly mesh" pos:[25,103] width:144 height:20
			GroupBox grp1 "Select Meshes" pos:[8,8] width:176 height:119
			button btn_path "Select Path" pos:[56,165] width:80 height:32
			label lbl_path "C:\\" pos:[16,203] width:160 height:16
			GroupBox grp2 "Path" pos:[8,153] width:176 height:72
			dropdownList ddl_dimension "Dimension" pos:[13,235] width:171 height:40 items:#("32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096")
			radiobuttons qualrad "" pos:[29,305] width:118 height:32 labels:#("low", "medium", "high", "best") columns:2
			GroupBox grp3 "Quality" pos:[9,283] width:175 height:64
			checkbox chk_auto " Auto Unwrap" pos:[37,133] width:120 height:16
			button btn_render "Render" pos:[44,383] width:101 height:29
			spinner spn_cagedist "" pos:[110,355] width:52 height:16 range:[-100,100,2]
			label lbl_cagedist "Cage Distance:" pos:[28,355] width:78 height:22
			on btn_high picked o do
				if superclassof o == geometryclass and classof o != bonegeometry then 
					lbl_high.text =
					select o
					global highpoly = o
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_low picked obj do
				if superclassof obj == geometryclass and classof obj != bonegeometry then
					lbl_low.text =
					select obj
					global lowpoly = obj
					messagebox "Select a mesh" title: "Wrong Selection"  beep:true
			on btn_path pressed do
				thePathSS = getSavepath()
				if thePathSS != undefined then 
						lbl_path.text = thePathSS
						messagebox "No path defined" title: "Path Not Defined"  beep:true
			on btn_render pressed do
			size = ddl_dimension.selected as integer
			cagedistance = spn_cagedist.value
			for o in geometry do
				if classof o != bonegeometry do
					o.material = undefined
					o.material = standardMaterial showInViewport:true
			converttopoly lowpoly
			theProj = ProjectionMod() 
			addModifier lowpoly theProj
			theProj.addObjectNode highpoly
			theProj.pushCage cagedistance
			theProj.addRegisteredProjectionType 1
			theProj.projectProjectionType 1
			theProj.ignoreBackfacing = true
			lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeEnabled = true 
			lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.bakeChannel = 1 
			lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.nDilations = 4
			be1 = NormalsMap() 
			be1.outputSzX = be1.outputSzY = size
			be1.fileType = (thePathSS+"\\"+$.name+"_normal.png")
			be1.fileName = filenameFromPath be1.fileType
			be1.enabled = true
			be1.useNormalBump = true
			be1.targetMapSlotName = "diffuse"
			lowpoly.INodeBakeProperties.addBakeElement be1
			NormDiff = bitmaptexture filename:be1.fileType
			lowpoly.material = standardmaterial diffuseMap:NormDiff showInViewport:true
			render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:size outputheight:size 
		createDialog nm 


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subongo's picture

Normal map Baking

I don't see why you have to write your own script when Max already comes with projection modifier that does the whole job.


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