Path Script Problem

having problems with this script
I want cPath to = the selected shape that pickbutton gets the name of

macroScript JM2010TL tooltip:"JM2010TL" Category:"Scripts" Icon:#("JM2010TL",1)
JM2010TL_float = NewRolloutFloater "3D Rail Max" 230 247

fn fn_bs_img str1 = (#(getdir #scripts+"\3DRM\\"+str1 , undefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

rollout MicroPave_roll "Ring Size"
pickbutton pck_test ">>Pick An Object" tooltip:"Pick A Scene Object..."
button OP2 "Insert" pos: [10,10] width:50 height:21

on pck_test picked obj do
pck_test.text =
On OP2 pressed do
cPath = $Circle001
cpath.rotation = quat 0 0 -0.707107 0.707107
cDum = $Group001
cCon = Path_Constraint follow:true bank:true
cDum.pos.controller = cCon
cDum.pos.controller.path = cPath

addRollout MicroPave_roll JM2010TL_float rolledUp:false



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mjbg's picture

so you should use cPath =

so you should use

cPath = pck_test.object
Mrjacks2o's picture

It Worked!!!

Thanks allot it Worked!!!!
Now is there a way to add to this script instead of CDum=$Group001 i want it to = a selected object or selected group is it possible to do this? thanks in advance :)

mjbg's picture

CDum = $   or   CDum =

CDum = $
CDum = selection

not sure if its this is what you asked

Mrjacks2o's picture


Nice!! thanks your a big help bro!!!

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