Please help me with script
Please help to write a simple maxscript script, or help with maxscript commands, which I need to use for it.
I have a scene (a lot of them).
There is an object in this scene named "object_name_1" (Editable Mesh, if it is important)
I need:
- Load another object from max/obj/fbx file
- Align new object to old object (pivot to pivot)
- Link new to old
- Color new object with specific color
- Make it`s visibility 0.2
- Copy new object
- Assign material to new-new-object (default material, wire, Self-illumination with specific color)
Or write commands which do all this:
- mesh import from file
- align to pivot
- link one object to another
- set color
- set visivility
- copy object
- set material properties: wire, self-illumination
- assign material to object
Thank you!
Path Constraint/wire Parameters
I found a post that has the exact same question I wanted to ask, and the answer. But I don’t understand the answer?
I have a null that is path constrained and keyed at different percentages along a spline.
I want to have an another dummy that is always 10% further along the path than the first dummy. Can anyone suggest the syntax I should use in the wire parameters express window to achieve this?
I have tried a simply: percent+10, but the 2nd null remains on top of the first.
I have tired multiplication: percent*1.1 and this gives an offset, but obviously the offset grows as the percentage of the first/parent null goes from 1% to 100%. I want a consistent offset of 10 extra percentage points.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
percent controller is from 0 to 1 based, not 0-100
delete objects
with redraw off
b1 = point name:"first" wirecolor:orange
b2 = point name:"next" wirecolor:green
sp = converttosplineshape (circle name:"path" radius:20 wirecolor:yellow)
c1 = b1.pos.controller = Path path:sp
c2 = b2.pos.controller = Path path:sp
paramwire.connect2way c1[#percent] c2[#percent] "percent - 0.1" "percent + 0.1"
Can anyone break down the answer for me so I can understand it?
Kind regards
Roger :)
another suggest :use this
PS = edited
??? not understand you fayar
First pick object from current scene ("object_name_1")
Twick all paremeters and then import file. Done