Populating dropdownlist

I need to populate a dropdown list with all the scene cameras. Which that part is simple.
But the problem I'm coming across is if someone creates a camera after the dialog has been opened. What do you guys thing would be the best way to re-populate the dialog?

My first thought is a selection callback function.

Here is the base of the script so far.

	camArray = for i in cameras where superclassof i == Camera collect i.name
	rollout drop_roll "Drop Down List"
		dropdownlist obj_dd "Objects :" offset:[0,-20] items:camArray
	createDialog drop_roll


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JokerMartini's picture


Thanks Anubis, I'll be sure to look into using this instead of the callback I was using before.

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

Anubis's picture

just a tip

Goin in that way (using the General Event Callback Mechanism)
you should add more callbacks:
#nodeCloned - to catch cloned objects too
#sceneNodeAdded - to catch merged objects

In the new NodeEventCallback (added in Max 2009)
you can do this with 1 callback,
and its more precise - catch even undo/redo operations.

-- shortly...
rollout foo "..."
	local callbackItem
	fn cbFn ev nd = ( ... )
	-- ...
	on foo open do (
		callbackItem = NodeEventCallback mouseUp:true \
		delay:1000 added:cbFn deleted:cbFn
	on foo close do (
		callbackItem = undefined
		gc light:true

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

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callback on node create

Not sure why this isn't working..
Once i get this working I'll add a nodeDeleted callback as well.

	global drop_roll
	camArray = for i in cameras where superclassof i == Camera collect i.name
	rollout drop_roll "Drop Down List"
		dropdownlist obj_dd "Objects :" offset:[0,-20] items:camArray
		fn fnUpdateCamList =
			print "cool"
			camArray = for i in cameras where superclassof i == Camera collect i.name
			drop_roll.obj_dd.items = camArray
	on drop_roll close do (callbacks.RemoveScripts #nodeCreated id:#camUpdate)
	on drop_roll open do
		callbacks.addScript #nodeCreated "drop_roll.fnUpdateCamList()" id:#camUpdate
	createDialog drop_roll

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

JokerMartini's picture

Got it. The rollout () were

Got it. The rollout () were wrong.

John Martini
Digital Artist
http://www.JokerMartini.com (new site)

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