progress bar + fileIn


I run a script that has a running time of more than a few seconds and i was thinking to add a progress bar.

It is possible to run the script via fileIn "" with progress bar?

rollout test "Testing" width:300 height:100
	button btn "Run!"
	progressbar pbar height:30 color:orange
	label lbl1 ""
	on btn pressed do
		start = timeStamp()
		try (filein "") catch(messagebox "Error" beep:false)
		pbar.value = --> -------------------------------- what should i do here?!?!?
		if pbar.value > 99 do (pbar.value=0)
		end = timeStamp()
		lbl1.caption =  " Done in " + (formattedPrint ((end - start) / 10)) + " sec"
createDialog test


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3dwannab's picture

in your filein code you could

in your filein code you could control the pbar by placing the rollout name first like example.

if classof test == RolloutClass do
	test.pbar.value = -- what you were going to do in other code
	if test.pbar.value > 99 do (pbar.value=0)
citizenWOLF's picture

do you mean? if classof test

do you mean?

if classof test == RolloutClass do
	test.pbar.value = 
		My code here ?
	if test.pbar.value > 99 do (pbar.value=0)

It won't work.. Can you, please, write an example to understand better what you mean?
Thank you in advance,

3dwannab's picture

Here's an example. Without

Here's an example. Without your filein code I can't do an exact example.

This should get you started

try destroyDialog testRol1 catch()
try destroyDialog testRol2 catch()
rollout testRol1 "Close me"
	progressBar pbar "" value:0 color:[0,0,0]
	on testRol1 moved pos do
		SetDialogPos testRol2 [((GetDialogPos testRol1).x+8),((GetDialogPos testRol1).y-25)]
createDialog testRol1 200 30
rollout testRol2 ""
	spinner spnSelectAmount "Change me: " range:[0,100,0] type:#float
	on spnSelectAmount changed val do
		prog = spnSelectAmount.value
		-- reference is made to the pbar by placing the rollout internal name before with .
		testRol1.pbar.value = prog
		testRol1.pbar.color.r = (255-((255/100)*prog))
		testRol1.pbar.color.g = ((255/100)*prog)
		testRol1.pbar.color.b = 0
createDialog testRol2 200 20 ((GetDialogPos testRol1).x+8) ((GetDialogPos testRol1).y-25) parent:testRol1.hwnd style:#() bgcolor:black
miauu's picture


pbar.value = --> -------------------------------- what should i do here?!?!?

You should update the progressBar value using the data from the "". For example, if "" is a loop that counts the selected objects pass the iterations to the pbar and update its value. This way when the loop in "" stops the pbar will be "full".

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