Qsorting by Position

I've got the sorting by position figured out. But then how do I sort them in relation of there pos compared to the "start object position" and then alter the objects wirecolor, in order based on there position?

positions = for i=1 to selection.count collect (selection[i].pos)
StartPos = $start.pos
fn fnCompareDist v1 v2 =
	local d = (length v1)-(length v2)
	case of
		(d < 0.): -1
		(d > 0.): 1
		default: 0
qsort positions fnCompareDist 
for p in positions do print p
for p in position do p.wirecolor = [i*25,i*50,(5-i)*50]


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Garp's picture

It's easier than you think ;)

  local starter = $Point01
  fn dist_comp obj1 obj2 =
  distance starter obj1 - distance starter obj2
  local objs = selection as array
  qsort objs dist_comp
  print objs
  -- for shades of grey
  for i = 1 to (cnt = objs.count) do
    if cnt != 0 do
      objs[i].wirecolor = i * white / cnt
  -- for variation from yellow to blue
  for i = 1 to (cnt = objs.count) do
    if cnt != 0 do
      local k = (i as float) / cnt
      objs[i].wirecolor = yellow * (1 - k) + blue * k

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