Request for script to assign materials from mat. library's to Layers
I'm in need of a script to load and assign materials form material library's and assign the materials to the specific layers layers based on the material name to the layer name.
I was hoping I could add directories to the script.
Example: Layers: AFUPA-3D-TL-GL, AFUPA-3D-TL-BK assign Material "black plastic 123" from material library in a directory on my D-Drive an so on.
Also if the layer does not exist to skip it and move on.
Here is what I have based on Miauu awesome help.
I would appreciate any help! I'm trying to learn maxcript but is a bit overwhelming. :)
( local layersNameAndMatArr = #(#("AFUPA-3D-TL-GL", meditMaterials[1]), \ #("*Black Plastic 123", meditMaterials[2]), \ #("White Plastic 125", meditMaterials[3]) ) for i = 0 to LayerManager.count - 1 do ( local layer = LayerManager.getLayer i for j = 1 to layersNameAndMatArr.count do ( if matchPattern pattern:layersNameAndMatArr[j][1] do ( local theNodes layer.nodes &theNodes theNodes.material = layersNameAndMatArr[j][2] ) ) ) )
Try this:
The material file that you will load must have all materials that have to be applied to the layrs.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax