reverse Filter String until FileDoesExist

I want to create loop that runs through a string until it finds the first DoesFileExist == true and then execute the script.

for example:

varString = C:\users\mike\donuts\bunnies\v01

(run backwards through string checking until true) varString
C:\users\mike\donuts\bunnies\v01 = FALSE
C:\users\mike\donuts\bunnies = FALSE
C:\users\mike\donuts = TRUE

stringn = "C:\Users\Joker\Desktop\cool\maybe\v01"
for i=1 to stringn.count do
	tempStream = (substring stringn 1 (stringn.count as integer - i))
	isValidDir = doesFileExist tempStream
	print tempStream
	print isValidDir


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JokerMartini's picture


Thank you Anubis for helping out.

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Anubis's picture

my logical mistake :)

it happens often when i write a directly to the site without testing :) so, thanks for asking. Now the While loop not break due to the boolean test (pathParts.count > 0) that return true to the end. So, here is fixed function:

fn searchPath str = (
	local result = ""
	local isValidDir = false
	local pathParts = filterString str "\\"
	for n = pathParts.count to 1 by -1 while not isValidDir do
		local tmpStr = ""
		for i = 1 to n do tmpStr += pathParts[i] + "\\"
		if (isValidDir = doesFileExist tmpStr) do result = tmpStr

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

JokerMartini's picture


When I run the code below it returns = "C:\"
When in reality the folders go as deep as = "C:\Users\Joker\Desktop\cool\"

So it should be returning that = "C:\Users\Joker\Desktop\cool\

Why is that?

myPath= "C:\Users\Joker\Desktop\cool\maybe\v01"
fn searchPath str = (
	local result = ""
	local isValidDir = false
	local pathParts = filterString str "\\"
	while pathParts.count > 0 or not isValidDir do (
		local tmpStr = ""
		for p in pathParts do tmpStr += p + "\\"
		if (isValidDir = doesFileExist tmpStr) do result = tmpStr
		deleteItem pathParts pathParts.count
searchPath myPath

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Anubis's picture

I think you can optimize a

I think you can optimize a bit the function if you kick out the 'return' call. Something like ... (I write it on-the-fly, ie not tested):

fn searchPath str = (
	local result = ""
	local isValidDir = false
	local pathParts = filterString str "\\"
	while pathParts.count > 0 or not isValidDir do (
		local tmpStr = ""
		for p in pathParts do tmpStr += p + "\\"
		if (isValidDir = doesFileExist tmpStr) do result = tmpStr
		deleteItem pathParts pathParts.count

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

JokerMartini's picture

solution if anyone needs it!

stringn = "C:\Users\Joker\Desktop\cool\maybe\v01"
fn searchString = (
	pathParts = filterString stringn "\\"
	while pathParts.count > 0 do
		testString = ""
		for p in pathParts do testString += p + "\\"
		print testString
		isValidDir = doesFileExist testString
		if isValidDir == true then
			return tempStream
		deleteItem pathParts pathParts.count
dirThatExists = searchString()

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

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