Rotate pivot to align with edge of line

for i in selection do

(p1 =getKnotPoint i 1 1

p2 =getKnotPoint i 1 2

dir = normalize (p2 - p1)

vec = case axis of


#x: obj.transform[1] 

#y: obj.transform[2] 

#z: obj.transform[3] 


tm = i.transform

vec = normalize vec



rtm = angleaxis (acos (dot vec dir)) (normalize (cross dir vec))

i.transform = translate (rotate (scalematrix tm.scale) (tm.rotation*rtm)) tm.pos

(if pos == true do obj.pos = p1


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gini8's picture


Go into pivot mode and select axis. Press the Insert key on your keyboard to go into pivot mode. aboutallpet Then left click on the axis to align (it should turn yellow)

tayabbs's picture


Hello, I would like to thank you for sharing this interesting information. Moreover, the material mentioned here will be useful for a lot of people. Personally I will use it in my kakadu national park sample task.

Pamelaight's picture


Here are some important knowledge which is about how to rotate pivot to align with edge of line. This method is simplified here in detail and tell you that you like it in best custom writings reviews way because we describe it in good way for only your helping purpose.

miauu's picture


	selObjsArr = selection as array
	for obj in selObjsArr do
		p1 = getKnotPoint obj 1 1
		p2 = getKnotPoint obj 1 2
		dir = normalize (p2 - p1)
		vec = obj.transform[1] 
		tm = obj.transform
		vec = normalize vec
		dir = normalize dir
		rtm = angleaxis (acos (dot vec dir)) (normalize (cross dir vec))
		tempObjTM = translate (rotate (scalematrix tm.scale) (tm.rotation*rtm)) tm.pos
		worldAlignPivot obj
		rotation = inverse tempObjTM.rotation
		in coordsys local obj.rotation *= rotation
		obj.objectoffsetrot *= rotation
		obj.objectoffsetpos *= rotation	
		obj.pivot = p1		
Habib's picture

Very handy

Very handy, Thanks


StormBrig's picture

you should try align pivot to

you should try align pivot to direction script.

Habib's picture

Very handy, Thanks

Very handy, Thanks


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