Run a script to all objects
Hi, Continuing with my simple questions about maxscript, I did myself (not easy for me) this very simple script, to apply an Edit Poly after the Base Object and execute the Quadrify command.
It works great for me, but I want to do it to the entire scene, or all selected objects. But, how to do it?
My script:
max modify mode
modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject "Modifiers" "EditPolyMod" "PolyTools" "Quadrify"
renaming modifier
Ok, I want to do just one more thing:
How can I rename the new Edit Poly created? I want to rename "Edit Poly" to "Edit Poly Quad"...
use .name prop
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
again, thank you Anubis!
Both works smoothly, THANK
Both works smoothly, THANK YOU!
loop through selected...
woops, forgot to refresh the page before post :)
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
--for selected
Never get low & slow & out of ideas
br0t, your simple explanation
br0t, your simple explanation just open my mind! I can apply this for a lot of tasks I do repeatedly!
Definitively, I need to study maxscript.
Again, thank you!