script creates new menu on each startup

i have an script from FSX SDK, but everytime i start max (2008 x32) it creates a new "Aces Tools" menu on my menu toolbar. i have to remove one each time i start, otherwise they'll reproduce as rabbits and populate my entire menu bar.

heres the script:

--Get the text for the macro scripts to be created from existing scripts
macroScript ExportLOD category:"Tools" tooltip:"Export and LOD tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesPluginRoot + acesMax9ScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroScript UVToolSuite category:"Tools" tooltip:"UV Suite Deluxe"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroScript containerCreator category:"Tools" tooltip:"Build Container Tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript wheelTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Wheel animation tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript fileRenamer category:"Tools" tooltip:"Rename Flightsim File"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript AttachPointTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Attach Point Tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript FSCloudTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Flight Simulator Cloud Tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript FSXShaderTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Update to and Work with FSX Shaders"
	try (execute (openFile (acesPluginRoot + acesMax9ScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript FSXMatEditorTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Edit materials in the Materials.xml file"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript RemoveFSXMaterials category:"Tools" tooltip:"Remove FSX materials from scene"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
macroscript AnimationManager category:"Tools" tooltip:"Start the FSX Animation Manager"
try (fileIn (acesScriptsFolder + "\\Startup\\")) catch ()
macroscript MakeFootprint category:"Tools" tooltip:"Make footprints per city"
	if usingAcesBuild then
		setupFootprintUI ()
		messageBox "This tool is currently not supported."
macroscript FSMobileSceneryTool category:"Tools" tooltip:"Mobile Scenery Offset Tool"
	try (execute (openFile (acesScriptsFolder + "\\"))) catch (messageBox "This tool is currently not supported.")
newMenuID = genClassID returnValue:true
if menuMan.registerMenuContext newMenuID[1] then
	mainMenuBar = menuMan.getMainMenuBar ()
	subMenu = menuMan.createMenu "Aces Tools"
	exportItem = menuMan.createActionItem "ExportLOD" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then UVScaleItem = menuMan.createActionItem "UVToolSuite" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then containerItem = menuMan.createActionItem "containerCreator" "Tools"
	wheelToolItem = menuMan.createActionItem "wheelTool" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then fileRenamerItem = menuMan.createActionItem "fileRenamer" "Tools"
	attachItem = menuMan.createActionItem "AttachPointTool" "Tools"
	fsxMatItem = menuMan.createActionItem "FSXShaderTool" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then fsxMatEditorItem = menuMan.createActionItem "FSXMatEditorTool" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then removeFSXItem = menuMan.createActionItem "RemoveFSXMaterials" "Tools"
	fsxAnimItem = menuMan.createActionItem "AnimationManager" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then makeFPItem = menuMan.createActionItem "MakeFootprint" "Tools"
	cloudItem = menuMan.createActionItem "FSCloudTool" "Tools"
	if usingAcesBuild then msoTool = menuMan.createActionItem "FSMobileSceneryTool" "Tools"
	subMenu.addItem exportItem -1
	subMenu.addItem fsxMatItem -1
	subMenu.addItem fsxAnimItem -1
	subMenu.addItem attachItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem UVScaleItem -1
	subMenu.addItem wheelToolItem -1
	subMenu.addItem cloudItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem fsxMatEditorItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem containerItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem fileRenamerItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem removeFSXItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem makeFPItem -1
	if usingAcesBuild then subMenu.addItem msoTool -1
	subMenuItem = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "Aces Tools" subMenu
	subMenuIndex = mainMenuBar.numItems() + 1
	mainMenuBar.addItem subMenuItem subMenuIndex

i believe the problem lies in the line that starts with:
"newMenuID = genClassID returnValue:true"
as if i start a comment in there, until the end of the document, every time i start 3ds max, one aces tools entry will disappear. but if i leave it like that, then i wont have the menu after some starts, so how to make it keep the menu, one time?! lol

thanks in advance


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try (menuMan.unRegisterMenu

try (menuMan.unRegisterMenu (menuMan.findMenu "Aces Tools") ) catch(); menuMan.updateMenuBar()

just execute that before you register your stuff

and instead of doing all these macroscripts and stuff manually why not make it automated?

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Raphael Steves

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