Scripting bones objects
Hello Everyone,
I have a question for any and all Max scripters out there.
How do you get a Max Bone object to draw between two point helpers?
It'd be a really useful trick for scripting a rigg, to which I havent found the solution as yet.
Thanks and any suggestions would be most welcome.
Ok so the bones scripting is
Ok so the bones scripting is going quite well now....
However, I'm haveing a problem with adding the Hi_IK chain, in script.
Can anyone offer any help??!
This is what I think works:
ikChain startJoint endJoint solver
its clear I can use the $ for startjoint and endjoint.
But i'm not sure whats needed for "ikchain" or "solver"
So far try as I might, I cant get it to create the chain for the linked bones.
can you share your script
can you share your script for adding a bonechain between two helpers?
how many bones does it create?
can you adjust the numbers?
// //
Wonderful! This works quite
Wonderful! This works quite well, for multiple bones.
(With three point helpers on the screen.)
startPos = $point01.pos
endPos = $point02.pos
thirdPos = $point03.pos
BoneSys.createBone startPos endPos [0,0,1]
BoneSys.createBone startPos thirdPos [0,0,1]
I guess my next work-flow question should be! How do I "using expressions and functions" automate the sequential count and draw for three point helpers on the Arm, Leg and Spine bones?
Well it would seem I have to
Well it would seem I have to come clean, I'm not the strongest of scripters. "There that said, it's out in the open."
I did get the positions as recommended for the helpers, but then after which nothing.
startPos [-154.822,-4.0605e-006,92.8934]
endPos [-154.822,-4.0605e-006,92.8934]
[30,10,0] Zaxis
Once I clear up the bone creation syntax.
The other considerations here would be, using a function to recognize points and draw bones following a simple naming convention e.g.
LEFT LEG 1 2 3
That all seems clear enough.
Having looked at auto rigger scripts, the other need would be adding controllers. Which you can place using the points again.
I haven’t scripted a rig before, but I’m guessing it would be much more fun to do so, than to go the quad menu route. That can get so repetitive. Also using both methods crystallizes your understanding of what you are doing.
I'm sure I looked carefully through Max 4 and 5 help files and found no Bonesys creation there.
From MaxScript
From MaxScript Manual:
<node>BoneSys.createBone <point3>startPos <point3>endPos <point3>zAxis
Just get the position of the helpers and your done becouse that seems to work just fine.