Select a specific number of faces from a known percentage in mode random
Hi All man :)
I have create this script: (Create a plane with more subdivision and select it)
try (destroydialog t) catch() Percentage = 100.0 ---define the initial percentage rollout t "Test" ( spinner sp "Rate = " range:[0,100,100] type:#integer button b "Go!" on sp changed val do Percentage = val on b pressed do ( obj = $ ---the object selected converttopoly obj ---convert the object in editpoly getFaces = obj.numfaces --get the number of the face ---Calculate the number of face to selected by specified percentage numFaces = (Percentage / 100.0 * getFaces) as integer ---create a array for all faces by specified percentage value numFaces_array = #() for o=1 to numFaces do ( append numFaces_array o ) subobjectLevel = 4 polyop.setFaceSelection obj numFaces_array --select the face print numFaces ---- update obj ) ) createdialog t
As you can see, the script determines a percentage of a known number of faces that are selected consecutively (1,2,3, etc.)on the subdivision plane.
How do random known number of faces across the whole subdivision plane?
Some days I feel, but I can not understand...
Thanks in advance :)
use random index
Hi Michele,
if i understand ...
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
WoW!! Thanks Anubis :) :)
WoW!! Thanks Anubis :) :) Yes, it is what I was looking.
I have referred to create the script to tutorial MaxSript "How do I delete randomly a specified percentage of geometry objects?" but when start the loop WHEN/DO 3dsMax crash (strange...)! Whit your solution is all right!
Thanks again :)