Select all objects that have same(instanced) modifier.
Hey Guys!
I want to make the script that can manage TurboSmooth modifiers in the scene.
How can I select all objects that have instanced modifier?
I finded at MAXScript manual - Interface:InstanceMgr, Modifier Common Properties, Node Common Properties and etc... - but I think this is not the answer.
Try refhierarchy.isRefTargetInstanced theModifierToCheck
Sample usage:
For example suppose you have some objects in your scene having the first modifier instanced, this will collect all the objects sharing that instanced modifier.
allInstanced = (for o in objects where (refhierarchy.isRefTargetInstanced o.modifiers[1] ) collect o)
Hope this helps,
Proud to be a PAKISTANI.
Wow, that's COOL!
Thanks your reply and help, mobeen.
But I find the way to select only objects have Instanced modifier but select all same modifiers...
I think that Instanced modifiers are completely same,
so only 1:1 compare (a.modifier == b.modifier) will correct check way.
Thanks for your help again.^^
try this script i think it
try this script i think it will help you
Thanks, Goldens. That's the
Thanks, Goldens.
That's the Script exactly what I want.^^