selecting objects that are in positive x axis

is there a way in maxscript that you can select objects whose vertices only have positive x values or 0? would like to make this selection with maxscript then apply a mirror script. then to toggle off the mirror i'd want to reselect objects that have vertices with -x values and delete them. Is this possible?


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barigazy's picture


Here is two choise:
#1 select all geometry objects which have at least one verts in negative space.
(argument "axsis" may be "X","Y" or "Z")

fn collectObjsMinVerts objs axis: = if objs.count != 0 do
	objArr = #()
	for o in objs where canConvertTo o Editable_Mesh do
		notFound = on
		for v = 1 to o.mesh.verts.count while notFound do 
			if getProperty (o.mesh.verts[v].pos*o.transform) axis <= 0 do (append objArr o ; notFound = off)
		) ; notFound = on
	select objArr
collectObjsMinVerts geometry axis:"x"

#2 select all geo-objects which have all verts in positive space.
(argument "axsis" may be "X","Y" or "Z")

fn collectObjsMaxVerts objs axis: = if objs.count != 0 do
	objArr = for o in objs where canConvertTo o Editable_Mesh collect o
	for i = objArr.count to 1 by -1 do
		notFound = on
		for v = 1 to objArr[i].mesh.verts.count while notFound do 
			if getProperty (objArr[i].mesh.verts[v].pos*objArr[i].transform) axis <= 0 do (deleteItem objArr i ; notFound = off)
		) ; notFound = on
	select objArr
collectObjsMaxVerts geometry axis:"x"


miauu's picture


You forgot that this


will create new copy of the mesh for every itteration.

barigazy's picture


Yes I know. Forgot to place it in var.
I left this to requester :)


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