Set images as Background
Hey Guys,
I'm have 15 cameras of a building for different view with background images for each camera. So i was trying to create a script which basically give a list of all the cameras in the scene and when i selected any camera it will set the camera on the active viewport with background image.
selCam = CameraList.selected
setCam = getNodeByName CameraList.selected
viewport.setCamera setCam
count = selCam.count
setNewCam = (substring selCam 1 (count - 4))
dir = ("D:\Projects\buildingImages\\" + setNewCam + ".jpeg")
backgroundimagefilename = dir
viewport.DispBkgImage = true
The problem is that when i click on the camera it do set the background image for that active viewport but it reset all the other viewport with a new background images.
Will look into it.
It seams that this bug can;t be solved using pure maxscript.
This code works the same way - all viewports are reset.
The only solution that I can think of is to use UIAccessors and to set the img to active viewport in a way like this script works:
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Post the full code.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Full Code
--Destroy dialog if it already exists.
try(destroyDialog CameraManager)catch()
global CameraManagerFloater
global cameraNames = #()
fn refreshFN = (
CameraList = #()
cameraNames = #()
j = 1
for i in cameras do
if classOf cameras[j] == Freecamera do
append CameraList i
append cameraNames
j = j +1
rollout CameraManager "Camera Manager" width:260
listbox CameraList "Select Camera" width:240 height:16 items:cameraNames
on CameraManager open do
CameraList.items = cameraNames
on CameraManager close do
on CameraList selected sel do
selCam = CameraList.selected
setCam = getNodeByName CameraList.selected
viewport.setCamera setCam
count = selCam.count
setNewCam = (substring selCam 1 (count - 4))
dir = ("D:\Projects\Test\\" + setNewCam + ".jpeg")
backgroundimagefilename = dir
viewport.DispBkgImage = true
on CameraManager doubleClicked tempItem do
--Create a dialog and assign the rollout to it.
createDialog CameraManager
I would like to have a small
I would like to have a small window where I can assign a background image to each respective camera that I have in a scene. I am avoiding using image planes. Anything in existence that can do that?
I tried this script but still not working.