Simple script to retrieve curved line data

Hi guys, I'm using splines/curved lines to represent the path for A.I. to take in a racing game. I want to create a MAXScript which will export the data for the spline nodes/vertices into a simple text file. I also need to be able to calculate the direction in which each vertex is "facing" i.e. the forward direction on the spline path. I don't want anybody to do it for me, but rather to show me where I should be looking: I've been searching for splines in the MAXScript reference but haven't found anything useful :S


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schaf82's picture

there are help topics that

there are help topics that might be of interes :

1.How do I create a line between two points?

2.How To ... Output Geometry Data To Text File - Part One


have fun... 

maeh maeh schaf

maeh maeh

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