Sliders affecting Sliders?

The last problem I had was answered perfectly :) So here I am with annother one.

In a rollout, is it possible for one sliders value to control annother sliders maximum value?

I would really appreciate any help,


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alexholmes's picture


Thank you! Exactly what I needed

jos's picture


you can set the range with
slider.range = [min,max,value]

rollout roll_slidertest "slider"
	slider sl1 "value: 0" range:[-10,10,0]
	slider sl2 "value: 0" range:[-10,10,0]
	slider sl3 "change max sliders"  range:[0,20,10]
	on sl1 changed arg do
		sl1.text = ("value: " + arg as string)
	on sl2 changed arg do
		sl2.text = ("value: " + arg as string)
	on sl3 changed arg do 
		sl3.text = (" max value: " + arg as string)
		sl1.range = [-10,arg,sl1.range[3]]
		sl2.range = [-10,arg,sl2.range[3]]
createDialog roll_slidertest 200 200

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