spline animation
Hi people,
I'm wandering if is any way to animate the knot positions of a line or spline object in max through MaxScript. I've been using the setknotpoint method with the "with animate on...", but it is not working. Probabilly because the animation stuff works with animatable properties and controllers, and so far I haven't found controllers such knot.position[x,y,z]...
I've been able to make a knot to move around the scene, but, since it doesn't creates keyframes, I have to use a callback to update the shape, but it only works in the viewport, not in a sequencial render. I've made a scripit for render each frame, but it is not stable...
Any ideas for acomplishing this task?
Thanks and sorry for the bad english...
I just learned how to do
I just learned how to do this yesterday
It turns out that setKnotPoint is not the way to do this:
1. Add animation controllers for each vertex you wish to animate. For each vertex, there are three channels you can animate- In Vector, Vertex, and Out Vector. You can enable them all at once like this:
animateVertex $myLine #all
2. You can then access those vertices to animate through the Master section of the spline object. The following sets the position of the first vertex/knot:
$myLine[4][#Master][2].value = myPoint