Spline measure

Hi guys.

I don't know much about scripting, and I'd appreciate a bunch your help.

I need to know the length of a given spline line.

The goal is to measure a character for drawing the cloth garments, and simulate cloth with cloth fx (max8).

Linear measures are easy: I just use the tape helper.

But measuring the thickness of the chest, or arm, or waist is impossible. you cannot roll the tape helper around the waist of the character. It is only useful for linear measurements.

So I thought that I could draw a spline line around the waist of the character and measure the length of this spline typing some code into the listener (F11).

Is this possible? am I too lost? Is there an easyest way to take the "sorraunding measures" (not linear) of a character?

Please Help.

Thanks in advance


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denisT's picture

if iskindof $ SplineShape do

if iskindof $ SplineShape do curveLength $

it returns length of a selected curve in units

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