Stripping string names from selected

Hi, new user here , first off I must say what an amazing community.

I found this script and wondered how I could edit the string name of the selected object

ie selected objects are box_001 , dave_ , foobar_blahblah , instead I just want to strip everything away after the underscore of the name. Which will then build the layers and place the objects into the layer

if selection.count != 0 do
for o in selection do
objName =
if (objLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName objName) == undefined then
objLayer = Layermanager.newLayerFromName objName
objLayer.addNode o
objLayer.addNode o

Kind regards



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brownpaperbag's picture

Thanks so much for the

Thanks so much for the pointer


miauu's picture


	if selection.count != 0 do
		for o in selection do
			objName =
			nameArr = filterString objName "_"
			objNameWithout = nameArr[1]
			if (objLayer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName objNameWithout) == undefined then
				objLayer = Layermanager.newLayerFromName objNameWithout
				objLayer.addNode o
				objLayer.addNode o

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