Syntax Error crashes MAXScript completely

I often found myself in a situation where I execute some code that has a small typo in it, e.g. I missed a parenthesis or forgot an " or a \ somewhere. Usually it throws an error in the listener, I correct it and everything is fine. But some times, nothing happens, and the listener / editor wont do anything from that point on. Evaluating code will have no more effect, the only way to fix it that I found is to restart max. Is there any way to fix that? I tried gc() , resetting the scene...didnt help.

For example, this line will crash MAXScript for my current max session completely, because of the missing closing parenthesis at the end:
for i=1 to 100 do (box position:[0,i*30,0] height:(i*15) wirecolor:red

Is restart the only way to fix this? It is so annoying.


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Swordslayer's picture

I guess you've already tried

I guess you've already tried pressing ESC while the listener is active?

br0t's picture

No I have not! And it f**king

No I have not! And it f**king works! You made me feel really dumb but happy, thanks!!!

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

Swordslayer's picture

It happens all the time.

It happens all the time. Anyway, nice to hear about the happy part of this experience :)

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