Toggle Display Units

Hey everyone.

I'm trying to create a shortcut to toggle between display unit types: US Ft with Decimal inches and Metric Millimeters (since I switch between the two so often). I know there's a script out there with a floater that has buttons to switch between these but I was hoping to just have it in a shortcut.

This seems like it should be the simplest thing in the world but... I'm pretty noob and obviously missing something here. Here's what I have:

macroScript ToggleDisplayUnits
category:"MyTools T"
Tooltip:"Toggle Display Units"

if units.displayType=#US units.USType=#Ft_Dec_In then
units.displayType=#Metric units.metricType=#Millimeters
units.displayType=#US units.USType=#Ft_Dec_In

The error it gives me is:

-- No "=" function for (#us (prop USType Global:units))

Again, I'm a complete newb -_- Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated!


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miauu's picture


	if units.displayType == #US and units.USType == #Ft_Dec_In then
		units.displayType = #Metric 
		units.metricType = #Millimeters
		units.displayType = #US 
		units.USType = #Ft_Dec_In
DotScott1's picture


First of all: Miauu... you always come to my rescue! You're awesome!

Second... wow I feel dumb :| It was as simple as that!.... anyway, thank you!

miauu's picture


I am glad to help. :)

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