Uncheck Action Frame in Safe Frames tab
Hi, is it possible to uncheck/disable the "action Safe" option in the Safe Frames tab?
I've already used but those are to general.
max safeframe toggle
displaySafeFrames = false
It is about the action safe, title safe and user safe specific.
I understood that this approach could work:
but it doesn't seem to work anymore and i'm not understanding well enough to make it work. Perhaps some of you do?
Thank you :)
Customizing Safe Frames with MAXScript
Thank you for that link.
Though, i'm not experienced enough understand that at all.
I've run the code but it doesn't seem to work either. (max 2019)
Could you assist me a bit further?
thank you.
1. check that current window is the Viewport Configuration window
2. get all child controls of the window
3. find a tab control in childs ( the one with SysTabControl32 class)
4. send TCM_SETCURFOCUS message to tab control to change tab index to 3 ( zero-based. fourth tab)
5. find Action Safe button in childs
6. send BM_GETCHECK to button control to get its current state
7. send BM_SETCHECK to button control to change its state if needed
8. use UIaccessor press button by name to press OK button
ps. get yourself a Spy++ (it is free and comes with the Visual Studio) to check what messages are sent to controls
pps. by send message I mean windows.sendMessage