uniquename + suffix


I wonder how can i have uniquename and suffix in a single line code.
For instance if you run this line:

for points = 1 to 3 do (point size:1 name:(uniquename "Spine_"+"_helper"))

the output will be:

$Point_Helper:Spine001__helper @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
$Point_Helper:Spine001__helper @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
$Point_Helper:Spine001__helper @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]

Notice that the objects in the scene don't have unique names at all. Objects has the same name!
I tried this line, but is not quite correct..

for points = 1 to 3 do (point size:1 name:(uniquename "Spine_") + "_helper")

the output is:

-- Unable to convert: "_helper" to type:

Long story short, it is possible in a single mxs line code, the final result to be:



Thanks in advance,


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jahman's picture


I wonder how can i have uniquename and suffix in a single line code.
Note that your last approach has nothing to do with a uniquename.

citizenWOLF's picture

Well, i found an easier way

Well, i found an easier way to do it.

for p = 1 to 3 do point size:20 name:("BaseName_" + p as string + "_suffix")

Thank you for the help,

jahman's picture


for p in (for i=1 to 3 collect point name:(uniqueName "point_")) do p.name += "_helper"

citizenWOLF's picture

Yap. This is another good

Yap. This is another good solution. Thanks!

miauu's picture

I don't know why you need one

I don't know why you need one line solution, but:

	pointsArr = for points = 1 to 3 collect(point size:1 name:(uniquename "Spine_"));for p in pointsArr do p.name += "_helper";

I prefere this way of coding:

	pointsArr = for points = 1 to 3 collect
		point size:1 name:(uniquename "Spine_")
	for p in pointsArr do p.name += "_helper"
citizenWOLF's picture

Thanks for the help miauu!

Thanks for the help miauu!

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